Monday, June 25, 2018

Digital Native or Digital Immigrant?

I like to believe that I am a digital native.  I have grown up using technology (not quite like today's kiddos) but consider myself fairly fluent when it comes to navigating technology.  Additionally, in my classroom students have 1-to-1 with Chromebooks and our entire curriculum is technology based.  I also feel that working with middle schoolers keeps me "in the loop" with technology and all the new things that come from it.  For example, fort nite, vine, watching youtube channels(of fort nite)
are all things I have discovered through my students that I probably would never have otherwise heard of. 
I do have the tendencies of the digital native where I am functioning at the 'twitch speed' as well as the parallel thinking.  I often will work on multiple projects at one time instead of working on one at a time.  I think this comes from the 'twitch speed' and not being able to focus on one thing for an extended amount of time.  I also see this in my students and can fully relate to their lack of attention spans because I tend to be the same way when I am a student or working.  I am interested in digging deeper into technology and how it can be used to suit the needs of not only me but my students. 

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